The cloud I floated to work on after a GAME 2 win was quickly grounded when I walked in the door. A coworker called The Gambler a cheater. I wanted to punch him in the neck. Since I went right to bed after the game, I missed the next 6 hours of ESPN "smudgegate" coverage. Are you f*!#ing kidding me? ESPN kills me with this crap. Now I'm seeing stills from other playoff games and every little shadow on his palm might as well be dripping with pine tar. America has voiced their opinion and tagged Rogers as a cheater EVEN THOUGH...after he washed off the "dirt" he still looked like Christy Mathewson!
That said, isn't it good to have Casey back!
That said, isn't it good to have Casey back!

Jayson Stark makes me want to vomit with his bullshit hyperbole.
"See, it wasn't just his pitching hand that Rogers soiled on Sunday night. It was, regrettably, his whole sport. And that's a stain that will take a lot longer to wash off."
Dan Patrick and (your fav!) Joe Morgan brought up the point that Larussa may not have pressed the issue as much as he could have because Leeland 'held the key' in the situation. Because Leeland and Larussa are such good friends it is assumed that Leeland may know of a few skeletons in Larussa's dugout.I like that story even if Morgan quickly went on to say that Larussa did not push the issue because of the 'respect he has for the World Series'. Gimme a break. Either way, stuff like this is more common than not. I'm with the B-man, drop it and on to game 3!
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